3 John Street
London WC1N 2ES
21.06.19 – 20.07.19
Nicky Hirst 'sign' 2018, vinyl on enamel, David Gates 'Number 3' 2017, cast lead, unique, photo by Andy Keate
Finn Thomson 'Go Go Go' 2019, (from the railings series) 130×60×50cm cast iron, oxide paint, photo by Andy Keate
Mhairi Vari 'dimly visible (repeater)' 2019 loom bands, gazing balls, stress balls, ball bearings, hot melt glue and plant matter,5×2×3m approx, photo by Andy Keate
Mhairi Vari 'dimly visible (repeater)' 2019 loom bands, gazing balls, stress balls, ball bearings, hot melt glue and plant matter,5×2×3m approx, photo by Andy Keate
Drew Edwards 'Willie the Bool' (granite) August 2019, 'Skull' (granite, flint) January 2019, 'Mute Father' (granite on marble) April 2019, Film Reel, photo by Andy Keate
Drew Edwards 'Willie the Bool' (granite) August 2019, 'Skull' (granite, flint) January 2019, 'Mute Father' (granite on marble) April 2019, Film Reel, photo by Andy Keate
Aubrey Haskard 'Chair 1, 2, 3' 2019, latex resistance bands, furniture blankets, surround wrap, bin liner, anglepoise lamp, photo by Andy Keate
Lothar Götz 'Untitled' 1998, four individual works, mixed media, photo by Andy Keate
Lothar Götz 'Untitled' 1998, four individual works, mixed media, photo by Andy Keate
Lothar Götz 'Untitled' 1998, four individual works, mixed media, photo by Andy Keate
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain 'Inscriptions (#12)' 2017/18 clay, paint, dimensions variable (eleven works) photo by Andy Keate
'Backyard Sculpture' gallery installation view, photo by Andy Keate
Rupert Ackroyd 'Cart Wheel Exercise' (with David Gates) 2014 (left), Rosa Nguyen 'Two Morris sticks' 2019, wall paper, paint, wood (centre), Matt Hale 'Ceanothus no.31 Trunk series' 2019, Ceanothus tree (dead), acrylic paint, (right) photo by Andy Keate
Rosa Nguyen 'Two Morris sticks' 2019, wall paper, paint, wood (left), Rupert Ackroyd 'Cart Wheel Exercise' (with David Gates) 2014 (right), photo by Andy Keate
Andrew Logan 'Portrait of Jen' 1986, collection Jennifer Binnie, mixed media (left), Matt Hale 'Ceanothus no.31 Trunk series' 2019, Ceanothus tree (dead), acrylic paint, (right) photo by Andy Keate
Andrew Logan 'Portrait of Jen' 1986, collection Jennifer Binnie, mixed media, photo by Andy Keate
Finn Thomson 'Skewered Forms' 2019, 222×120×60cm, steel, stainless steel, crystacal plaster, fibre, glass, aluminium, wood, oxide paint (left), Andrew Logan 'Portrait of Jen' 1986, collection Jennifer Binnie, mixed media, (right) photo by Andy Keate
Finn Thomson 'Skewered Forms' 2019, 222×120×60cm, steel, stainless steel, crystacal plaster, fibre, glass, aluminium, wood, oxide paint (left), International Lawns 'Lawn Fragment (from 'Back to the Future') (detail)' print on canvas, stretched onto timber frame, 2018 (right), photo by Andy Keate
Alice Wilson 'Made in Italy' 2019, 452×115×130cm, construction timber, paint, plaster (left) Finn Thomson 'Skewered Forms' 2019, 222×120×60cm, steel, stainless steel, crystacal plaster, fibre, glass, aluminium, wood, oxide paint (right) photo by Andy Keate
Finn Thomson 'Skewered Forms' 2019, 222×120×60cm, steel, stainless steel, crystacal plaster, fibre, glass, aluminium, wood, oxide paint, photo by Andy Keate
International Lawns 'Lawn Fragment (from 'Back to the Future') (detail)' print on canvas, stretched onto timber frame, 2018, photo by Andy Keate
'Backyard Sculpture' paper/collage/ink/fold/stamp by David Gates posted by Royal Mail to Neil Gall, 23.5×16.8cm 2019