Jonathan Baldock / Bea Bonafini / Yann Gerstberger / Britta Marakatt-Labba / Åsa Norberg & Jennie Sundén / Hana Miletic / Anna Perach / Faith Ringgold
Sturegatan 28, Ostermalm, Stockholm, Sweden 114 36
8 October – 21 November 2020
installation views

Jonathan Baldock, I'm often silent when I'm screaming inside , 2019, Hessian, felt, silk thread, polymer and semi-precious stones, 250 x 203 cm. Copyright the artist, courtesy Stephen Friedman Gallery, London

Faith Ringgold, Windows of the Wedding #2: Breakfast in Bed , 1974, Acrylic, textile on canvas, 166 x 69 cm. (c) 2020 Faith Ringgold, ARS member, Courtesy ACA Galleries, NY

Åsa Nordberg & Jennie Sundén, A Brief History of Soft Wear (Software) , 2020, Appliqué, remnant textile collage, 130 x 180 cm. Copyright the artists

Anna Perach, The Drunken Bride , 2019, Tufted yarn, metal frame, 200 x 43 cm. Copyright the artist

Yann Gerstberger, ≪ PPP Series ~ (Time Out ) ≫ , 2020, Collages assembled from mixed fabrics, glued onto tarpaulin and augmented with oil pastels, 100 x 70 cm (unframed). Copyright the artist

Yann Gerstberger, ≪ PPP Series ~ (Time Out ) ≫ , 2020, Collages assembled from mixed fabrics, glued onto tarpaulin and augmented with oil pastels, 100 x 70 cm. Copyright the artist

Bea Bonafini, Let It All Out , 2018, Pastels on mixed carpet inlay, 200 x 265 cm. Copyright the artist, courtesy Renata Fabbri arte contemporanea, Milan

Britta Marakatt-Labba, Borrhal (Borehole) , 2019, Emnbroidered textile, 38 x 32 cm (unframed) 48.5 x 53 cm (framed). Copyright the artist

Britta Marakatt-Labba, Mellan två Världar (Between Two Worlds) , 2018-19, Embroidered textile, 82 x 24 cm (unframed), 42.5 x 100 cm (framed). Copyright the artist

Britta Marakatt-Labba, Snomodd (Sludgy Snow) , 2019, Embroidered textile, 37 x 29 cm (unframed) 46.5 x 52 cm (framed). Copyright the artist
Hana Miletic, Materials , 2020, Hand-woven textile (organic hennep, copper metal yarn, gold metal yarn and variegated organic cotton), 16 x 13.5 x 2.5 cm. Copyright the artist, courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda, Brussels

Hana Miletic, Materials , 2020, Hand-woven textile (white silk and white mercerised cotton, cyan micro polyester and cyan organic cotton), 14.5 x 11 x 2 cm. Copyright the artist, courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda, Brussels

Hana Miletic, Materials , 2019-20, Hand-woven textile (charcoal hand-dyed polyester, black organic cotton, black mercerised cotton, black raw wool, black raffia and vanilla organic silk noil), 14 x 10.5 x 1 cm. Copyright the artist, courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda, Brussels

Bea Bonafini, Nit Comb, Neolithic , 2019, Vulcan stoneware, reclaimed clay, porcelain, textile and hair, 68 x 22 x 7.5 cm. Copyright the artist, courtesy Bosse and Baum, London