@Miles McEnery Gallery, 525 West 22nd Street
525 W 22nd Street New York, NY 10011
7 February - 9 March 2019
installation views

WESHAREADREAMLETSSTEPOUTSIDE/ TRUSTTHEWORDSOFSTEVIE, 2017, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 72 x 96 inches, 182.9 x 243.8 cm, MMG#28978

YOUDONTQUITYESTERDAYTODAYANDTOMORROW, 2017, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 108 inches, 61 x 243.8 cm, MMG#29644

HELLOWORLDYOULAYITDOWN, 2017, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 108 inches, 61 x 274.3 cm, MMG#29646

MEANTWELLBUTDIDNOTKNOWHOW, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 48 x 60 inches, 121.9 x 152.4 cm, MMG#29776

WEREWEASKEDIFWEWANTEDTOLIVEORNOT(BLUMFELD), 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 96 inches, 61 x 243.8 cm, MMG#29847

FROMETERNALGREY, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 24 inches, 61 x 61 cm, MMG#29848

CROSSINGTROMPEL'OEILS, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 96 inches, 61 x 243.8 cm, MMG#30189

HEREWESTANDTWOFOOLSINLOVE, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 60 x 60 inches, 152.4 x 152.4 cm, MMG#30191

TIMEISASOCIALINSTITUTION, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 48 x 96 inches, 121.9 x 243.8 cm, MMG#30399

INTOTHERAINBOWVEIN (CYCLESOFOPPOSITION), 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 48 x 120 inches, 121.9 x 304.8 cm, MMG#30507

RAINBOWDRIFTER, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 17 x 17 inches, 43.2 x 43.2 cm, MMG#30673

STANDMEUP, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 17 x 17 inches, 43.2 x 43.2 cm, MMG#30666

ONLYINAMERICA, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 60 x 96 inches, 152.4 x 243.8 cm, MMG#30508

HENRIROUSSEAUSDREAM, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 60 x 60 inches, 152.4 x 152.4 cm, MMG#30509

BADGIRLS, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 24 inches, 61 x 61 cm, MMG#30517

POCKETS(YOUCOULDFEELTHESKIES), 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 96 x 48 inches, 243.8 x 121.9 cm, MMG#30511

MITDIRINDERGEGEND, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 48 inches, 61 x 121.9 cm, MMG#30512

JUSTINCASEHARDCOREGUTS, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 24 inches, 61 x 61 cm, MMG#30513

BASICVOCABULARY, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 108 inches, 61 x 274.3 cm, MMG#30514

EXPANDEDCONTROVERSIES, 2018, Epoxy resin, c-print, and pigments on wood, 60 x 90 inches, 152.4 x 228.6 cm, MMG#30522

LESJOUERSDESCARTES, 2018, Epoxy resin, c-print, and pigments on wood, 60 x 90 inches, 152.4 x 228.6 cm, MMG#30523

BOOGIEWOOGIEFEVERDREAM, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 36 x 48 inches, 91.4 x 121.9 cm, MMG#30515

UPSTAIRSANDBACKTOBASICS, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 48 inches, 61 x 121.9 cm, MMG#30516

BECAUSEFINALLYALLAGREE(YES), 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 48 x 120 inches, 121.9 x 304.8 cm, MMG#30518

THEDEVILSGOTMYNUMBER, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 72 x 72 inches, 182.9 x 182.9 cm, MMG#30519

UNDERTHECOKESIGN, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 48 inches, 61 x 121.9 cm, MMG#30520

ASECRETLIFE, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 24 x 36 inches, 61 x 91.4 cm, MMG#30680

SANDEDMOON, 2017/18, Epoxy resin, foam and pigments on wood, 45 x 39 x 36 inches, 114.3 x 99.1 x 91.4 cm, MMG#30676

OPENMELODYFOLDS, 2013/18, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood 18 x 61 x 6 inches, 45.7 x 154.9 x 15.2 cm, MMG#30677

DORAMAAR, 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 17 x 14 inches, 43.2 x 35.6 cm, MMG#30675

CYCLOPS(THESECONDFACE), 2018, Epoxy resin and pigments on wood, 60 x 60 inches, 152.4 x 152.4 cm, MMG#30510

DAYLIGHTTEARSTOMYEYES, 2018, Acrylic binder, pigments and sumi ink on wood and aluminum core, in eighteen pieces, 104 x 396 x 1 inches, 264.2 x 1005.8 x 2.5 cm, MMG#30678
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